We decided before we had babies that we would do everything in our power to avoid phones and tablets with the girls (not knocking them if they’re present in your house – your lane your rules!!!!) so we’ve had to get really creative about how we can avoid the temptation.
Before we even get to talking I need y’all to know that there have definitely been emergency occasions over the years where we’ve busted out an iPhone to play minnie mouse bow toons out of desperation so we’re not perfect. But for the most part we’ve been able to stick to our gut. I hope that’s encouraging if you have the same conviction. Know that it’s possible! Not always easy but absolutely possible! 🙂
Our family LOVES to eat out and to roadtrip! The two easiest times to bust out an iPad FO SHO. With what we’ve spent on coloring books and on-the-go activities over the years we definitely could have purchased an ipad or two lol. I keep a “busy bag” or “bag of tricks” in my car for roadtrips and restaurant visits! I also have a stash of goodies I pick up from Target Dollar spot and the Dollar Tree every now and then that I store in an office cabinet. I pull those into the bag as needed to keep things fresh! In addition to adding new activities I rotate the toys we keep in the bag so they don’t get bored with what’s inside.
If you too want to put together a little (or in our case GIANT) bag of tricks, below are some of our favorite activities these days! For reference, my girls are 2 and 4! You definitely don’t have to run out and buy anything! It can be as simples as printing coloring pages from the internet or rounding up a few toys they seem to have forgotten about at home. The same toy in a new environment seems to become a completely new toy!
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