There are few things I love more than the smell of antique store and the thrill of an amazing find to bring home! We’re hashtag blessed to live within walking distance to so many amazing antique stores and local thrift shops. As a lover of old things, I’m also a big fan of perusing sites like Charish, 1st dibs, Etsy, and of course… FB marketplace for fabulous finds. Facebook marketplace has actually become my #1 favorite place to shop online! 5 years ago I would have told you craigslist was my jam but I’ve completely given up on craigslist due to the overall spammy-ness and the Netflix documentaries about the craigslist killers…. I digress.
When I share my Facebook marketplace finds with y’all on the insta, I almost always get requests to share how I navigate the platform and find such amazing things. *Shoulder brush* I haven’t always had this gift buuuuut I have learned quite a bit over the years so today I’m sharing that with y’all so you too can be a thrift queen!
Check the marketplace constantly.
I usually check marketplace one a day, especially if I’m on the hunt for something specific! It’s usually trouble when I browse and I’m not looking for something specific, which is why I have a surplus of beautiful chairs in my garage! I desperately need a storage unit to store all of my treasures… I just can’t let them go in case we need them in a future home! The point here is that the early bird absolutely gets the worm on FB marketplace. Good things go quickly so you’ve got to check back frequently.
Use the right keywords.
If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. Sometimes “dining table” won’t get you the results you want but “burlwood” will. I usually do a search for the item I’m looking for (hutch, chair, etc.) and then if I don’t see anything within a few minutes of scrolling, I’ll search by style or design.
A few of my go-to keywords: chinoiserie, chippendale, bamboo, french, faux bamboo, thomasville, lacquer, silver, vintage, antique. *You can also search by brand which is a great way to find newer items (from restoration hardware, pottery barn, etc) at a fraction of the cost.
Expand your search.
We live in a very small town so in addition to searching my local marketplace I’ve expanded my search to include neighboring cities (south Georgia towns as well as Jacksonville) that I’m willing to drive to. Usually if there’s something very specific that I’m on the hunt for then I’m willing to drive a bit further so I’ll adjust the settings accordingly.
Look for potential.
Often times the very best pieces just need a little TLC. That could look like a little super glue or a full paint job. Don’t miss out on a gem just because the wood needs a bit of polishing.
Save items you love!
Even if you’re not going to purchase, “save” items that you adore so that your facebook filters start to recognize your style!
Have patience.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve purchased something new just because I didn’t find it immediately, only to see it pop up on Marketplace later for half the price with a lot more character! Patience pays.

Do you ever negotiate with people?
I do! In a very polite and non-offensive way. I don’t have what it takes to negotiate in person but put me behind a screen and I can definitely shave a few bucks off!
Have you ever driven to pick something up and then discovered that you don’t want it because of quality, color, etc ?
I actually can’t remember a time where I’ve done this. I usually ask good questions upfront (condition, flaws, size, etc) to avoid this situation. I have practiced in the car what I would say if the item wasn’t as described but I’ve never had to use my prepared speech. Thank the Lord. That sounds like a terribly uncomfortable situation.
What kinds of things do you shop for on Marketplace?
Furniture, home accessories like blue and white and vintage decorations, china, art, outdoor furniture and planters, and kids stuff! I actually find a ton of great baby and kids items in great condition for a fraction of the cost. Recently I acquired a Nuna Leaf in perfect condition for just $40! Often times parents will list bulky kids stuff like playsets for FREE! So if you have a truck and a kind husband, keep an eye out for those finds.
Do you ever sell items on Marketplace?
I do! This has been the easiest way I’ve found to get rid of an item in our home. Take good pictures, share to the marketplace as well as any local online yard sale pages (you are prompted to share to these pages when you list the item on marketplace) and wait for the messages to roll in. I always end the price with a 5 and typically drop the price after a week if there isn’t much interest.
Is it ever creepy when people come to pick things up or you go to pick things up?
Fortunately, I haven’t had any overly creepy encounters. I take Pearce with me when he’s available and like to have him home when people pick up. We practice basic stranger danger but for the most part I’ve found the other FB marketplace shoppers to be a delight! I’ve even made friends and met sweet neighbors!