All outfit details are in this post!
This time last year my friend Ashley so graciously invited myself and 9 other “internet friends” to her beautiful summer home on Cape Cod! I love all things New England and all things Ashley so saying yes to this trip was a no-brainer! I’m so glad we made it happen because now I have a new favorite place to visit AND my internet friends turned into real life forever friends! What a gift.

As mentioned, we stayed at Ashley’s Cape Cod home and one of her family neighboring homes. I’d definitely recommend renting a home if you’re visiting – it felt like the true Cape Cod experience being able to unpack and settle in! See above. It’s darling. Not pictured: her instagram famous navy blue kitchen! Dreamy! If you’d prefer a resort, we spent a day at the Chatham Bars Inn and it was absolutely magical!

Ashley put together the perfect Cape Cod girls weekend itinerary for this trip and I do believe it was flawless. Not one of us had a complaint about the plans and that’s a big deal when you’re planning a trip for 11 women with different personalities! I’ll share a brief recap below but you’ll definitely want to check out Ashley’s post for the full details if you’re planning a similar trip.

Day One:
I flew out of Atlanta with a group and we arrived in Boston just two hours later! (I considered flying in a day early to explore boston but never made it happen. Definitely on my list to come back and spend a weekend. Flights were surprisingly inexpensive so it’d be doable for a weekend getaway with the hubs!) Ashley picked our crew up from the airport and we drove straight to East Bay Grille in Plymouth which was probably my favorite meal of the trip! Documented the first lobstahhh roll of the trip in this video! Core memory. After driving over THE bridge to greet the Cape, we made a pit stop at Cuffy’s for Cape Cod sweatshirts! Obviously you didn’t visit the Cape if you don’t have a Cuffy’s shirt to prove it. After a quick run to the beach (and by run we mean wine walk) we had a yummy dinner with views at Swan River Seafood.

Day Two:
Nantucket day! Truly one of my favorite days that has ever been. We boarded the Freedom Cruise from Cape Cod early that morning and sailed over to Nantucket. I believe the cruise was a little over an hour and we all raved about how wonderful the staff was. 10/10 recommend. We shopped around (could have spent all day shopping – so many amazing stores on Nantucket!) grabbed mudslides at the gazebo, and explored the beautiful island. We were treated to lunch at the White Elephant which was my favorite stop of the day! This would be my pick if you’re looking for lunch or lodging on the island. Absolutely stunning but not stuffy!

That evening Ashley had a picnic on the Chapin Beach planned! Too much fun! Check out her posts for details on the picnic company she worked with. Can you dream up anything more delightful than an evening on the beach with your girlfriends and a a giant charcuterie spread?!

Day 3:
After spending the night before in the ER (my vertigo took a nasty turn!) I slept until lunch and then met up with the girls at Chatham Inn! A beautiful resort for lunch or lodging. I do believe someone mentioned Taylor Swift being there right before we arrived? Followed lunch with more shopping in downtown Chatham with a fun stop at Squire which was my jam. We ended the weekend with dinner at Pates! The next morning we said our (very sad) goodbyes and flew home with the very best memories! Ashley has details on transportation to airport if you need it! Also trying to get her to make a massive compiled list of all things Cape Cod so we can all refer back to it! Stay tuned 😉

Best trip ever. Still can’t believe we made it happen! Cannot wait for round two! If you’re considering a Cape Cod or Nantucket trip I hope you too make it happen! 🙂 Heck, if you’re considering ANY kind of trip with a bunch of girlfriends, I hope you make it happen!