In lieu of this week’s blog post, I asked my IG peeps to submit questions for a Q & A! Picked five to share today! 🙂
Q: What’s your best mama hack?!
Ten minute tidy! When I’m feeling overwhelmed with #allthethings I set a 10-minute timer on the stove and tidy up the house, tackle dishes, fluff the pillows, make the beds. It’s an easy way to snap out of the frazzled/overwhelmed, “where do I even start?!” state. I try to do it after dropoff and right when I put the girls down for a nap.
Q: How do you weave faith into daily life with your girls?
This is such a good question! The biggest thing is that we talk about Jesus a lot. We talk about how present Holy Spirit is, we recognize and give thanks for blessings, and we talk about and appreciate His creation. It’s just a part of our all-day-everyday conversation. Toddlers ask questions nonstop so we use those questions as opportunities to talk about Him. More than learning bible stories and songs, right now I want our girls to learn what a relationship with the Lord looks like.
Q: I love your hardwood floors. What’s the finish?
Thank you! They’re original heart pine. They were refinished before we moved in so I don’t have any of the stain details but I will say I love the color! Not too orange and not too dark. If you’re refinishing “antique” floors you will have to use an antique-specific floor stain. It’s my understanding that heart pain comes from 300-year-old longleaf pine trees!!!! Lots of homes built in the 1800s & early 1900s have them. Mind-boggling to me. So every repair or refinishing needs to be done with care.
Q: Can you share the Spotify stations you cook to?
Nancy Myers Kitchen, French Cooking Station, Lots of Van Morrison! 🙂 Happy kitchen music is a must!
Q: Do you follow a particular diet/workout routine?
I’ve done Paleo/Whole 30 and the Faster Way To Fat Loss after each baby. Currently, I’m not following any particular diet or workout routine but FWTFL has taught me so much about fueling my body with the right nutrients so I try to keep my macros in mind! Also, feel great when we eat more Whole 30 / Paleo style. Walking around town with the babies in tow is my workout most days (see also: chasing toddlers) but I do have a YMCA membership and big plans to make better use of it! 😉
Q: Are you thinking extra preschool year because of summer birthdays?
Yes! Both girls have summer birthdays and we don’t see any harm in a bonus year of preschool. Keeping them little for as long as we can! I’m such a fan of the preschool years and all of the sweetness. We’re planning to homeschool once the girls start Kindergarten so we’re enjoying the benefits of “traditional” schooling while we’re in this season. Class parties, sweet friendships, wonderful teachers. I love it!