The “fourth trimester” was something I wasn’t at all prepared for my first time around. I had no idea how challenging recovery would be, how difficult it would be to push pause on my “norm” and go through a period of major transition or how up and down my emotions would be (#hormones) the weeks after I delivered my baby!
Caring for a newborn’s needs while recovering from childbirth ain’t easy y’all but it can be the sweetest time of your life if you learn how to navigate it!
The second time around things have been a bit easier postpartum thanks to implementing a few good practices!
Accept help
Say yes to assistance. If friends & family offer to bring food, hold the baby, clean your house, run an errand for you or just want to stop by to keep you company – say YES! If you’re anything like me it can be difficult to think of ways for people to help and easy to work yourself too hard! So keep a little note on your phone with a list of things you might need help with, then when someone offers to help, you’ll be prepared to say yes. If you’re not near family or friends, consider hiring help just for this season! Services like Instacart can make crazy days so much easier! And if there was ever a time to hire a night nurse or housekeeper, this is it!
Lower expectations
Letting go of expectations is the key to setting yourself up for success postpartum! It’s okay to eat off paper plates, let your house get a little messy, to work less and to get off schedule. Life won’t look like it has in the past so you’ve got to roll with the punches and adapt! Eventually, you’ll find your groove and learn to prioritize what matters.
Prioritize self-care
This is by far the most important piece of advice I can offer. Take care of yourself, mama! It’s all too easy to skip meals and showers, forget to take your meds, and not address your needs. And if you’re breastfeeding it can be even more challenging to make time for yourself. You’re not just caring for a newborn postpartum, you’re also recovering from childbirth! Figure out pockets of your day (even if it’s just five minutes!) where you can steal a little alone time. For me, I’m prioritizing ten minutes in the morning to get dressed (even if I’m just changing into another pair of PJ’s!), a quiet cup of coffee while Millie naps after her morning feeding (before AG wakes up!) and time alone with Pearce each night to watch a funny tv show. I’ve set alarms on my phone to remember to pump, eat, and take my meds! Having little reminders to stop and address your needs might sound silly but it’s been really helpful for me. And remember, you have to rest to heal! It’s easier said than done of course, but you’ve got to make it happen!
Get the right supplies
Take all of the supplies the hospital offers to send you home with and use the months leading up to delivery to stock up on postpartum essentials for yourself, not just baby gear! A few things you might need…
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Don’t do it alone
Days at home alone with newborns can be a bit lonely (snuggles are sweet but babies can’t talk!) so call a friend, text your sister, go on a walk with your husband after work, set up a “play date” with another mama, or invite your MIL over just to sit with you. For me, too much alone time during the 4th trimester isn’t good but when I spend time with my people or even just call a friend up to chat, I feel so much more like myself!