Outfit Details: Leggings + Pullover from Leland Gal! Adore this colorful line! Y’all check them out!
Hey friends! A porch talk post is WAY over due isn’t it?! It’s been a crazy week in the Fussell house! Back to school (work in our case) is the craziest time of year! I’m so ready to settle into our new routine.
I’ve had lots of questions on instagram this month and a few I didn’t get to from my last porch talk post, so let’s get started! As always, I try my best to answer all of your questions but if you don’t see yours here, or if I didn’t get back to you via email or on instagram, I haven’t forgotten about you! I will get to it as soon as possible!
did you have a good experience with your last airbnb? we’re thinking about trying it!
We did! Honestly we always have the best experience when we stay in an airbnb! I wrote a post here about why we love it. You can use this invitation to get $40 off your first trip! And if you do – I’ll get a travel credit too. So thanks in advance!
any apps I need to download before I have my first baby? would love your recs!
Yes! Mamma Baby, One Second a Day, the Moms on Call Scheduler App and The Bump!
what does your husband do?
He’s a middle school teacher and he ROCKS it. Lord bless teachers!
where do you get alba grace’s giant bows? i love them!
Thank you! Big bows are my love language. You know what they say… the bigger the bow, the closer to heaven! 😉 I’ve purchased all of AG’s bows from this etsy shop! Ours are the Large size but eventually we’ll move on to the XL! I bought a few colors but we mostly wear white!
how did you get alba grace to sleep through the night?
I honestly don’t know how exactly this happened but we’re incredibly thankful it did. AG has been sleeping through the night since she was 2 weeks old. At first she was going to bed around 8 and waking up around 3 or 4 and then after a couple weeks of that she started sleeping until 6ish in the morning. I was obsessed with Moms on Call before she was born so I read up on it and one thing that stood out to me was the importance of a bed time routine. So around one week we started a bedtime routine which we’ve done every single night since. We were never crazy strict about the MOC schedules but we did adopt their bedtime routine philosophy and that’s been HUGE for us. MOC recommends a traditional swaddle method every night, white noise played loud enough to hear through the door, consistency (same time, same place, same sounds, etc.), a bath and a book! We’ve done the same exact bedtime routine for weeks now and it’s worked well for us. Worth a shot if you’re trying to get your little one to sleep through the night.
where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Hmmm… that’s a tough one! Plans are always changing around here. By the time 5 years rolls around I’d love to have another baby (or two…), have an awesome grasp on this whole working mama thing, and possibly own a boat. Haha! We’ll see where the Lord leads us but I’m SO happy with our life right now I can’t imagine how it could get much better.
Thats a wrap folks! Send your questions to mckenziefussell@gmail.com with the subject PORCH TALK and I’ll pick a few to answer next month!
love y’all, mckenzie