Shades of spring on my radar!
Porch Talk Q & A
Hey, hey! Let me start out by apologizing for the radio silence here on the blog over the last month. My poor laptop was in and out of the shop and I finally replaced it this week. So it’s safe to say we’ve got some catching up to do! Pop back by each morning this…
Second Trimester Recap
Every good and perfect gift comes from above. James 1:17 The second trimester has come and gone. In about two months we’ll be meeting our baby girl, Alba Grace. While we’re both thrilled and feeling ridiculously blessed, I’ll be honest and admit that we’re also starting to feel a little anxious about the unknown and what’s to come….
Getting the Most Out of Your Simplified Planner
Fun fact: In college and after graduation I worked as the Community Development Director for Emily Ley! It was such a fun season of life full of color, creative co-workers, and helping develop some truly amazing products! (ps. this guest post Emily wrote for Somethin’ Southern is a must-read!) Even before I joined the Emily Ley…
Add to Cart
Blue and pink and floral embroidered dresses for the win! This week’s add to cart might just be my favorite yet! Did I mention that everything is under $100?! Yes, please!