How the heck did I let almost A YEAR go by without posting a life lately roundup?! I was just cleaning out my phone (because 11k pictures is just too many pictures y'all) and realized I hadn't shared so many sweet memories! So without further ado... life lately as told by my iphone. Major catchup ...
Cabana Life Multitasking Mama
my dress | rashguard | hat (under $15!) Turning into a mama has given me a whole new outlook on the importance of sun safety. As a Florida girl the sun is my favorite place to be and I'm sure AG will love it too! I was thrilled to discover Cabana Life clothing this year, a ...
Home Tour: AG’s Bathroom
Blogging makes your weird, doesn't it?! Never did I ever think I'd share photos of the bathrooms in my home for all of the internet to see. But here we are. Bathrooms exposed. ...
Mother’s Day Gift Guide
It's almost mama's day and I've got an extra dose of appreciation for the mother's of the world this year! From the very beginning, motherhood is hard work. I've linked up a few of my favorite gift ideas for the mama bear's in your life! Treat them to something special and don't forget to ...
Add to Cart: Lilly Lately
This Lilly girl is super pumped about two things, matching outfits with her baby come June and the new Salt in the Air print Lilly just released! ...