LADIES! Listen up. This is one of those links you'll want to leave up on your laptop or send straight to your hubby! These are items I love and use or would truly enjoy receiving! There's something for every lady in your life and something for every price point! Hope y'all find this helpful! ...
2018 Cyber Weekend Sales
wearing this watch c/o daniel wellington I know y'all are being bombarded with sales posts this weekend but I wanted to create a space designated to the sales I'm shopping and thing you'll love! So many opportunities to buy amazing gifts at great prices and stock up on your favorites! I'll keep ...
How To Host a Stress-Free Holiday Gathering
Thanks so much to Tara At Home for sponsoring this post! 'Tis the season for hosting festive gatherings! There's something in me that absolutely thrives on hosting friends and family in our home. The issue with having a desire to host #allthethings is that it can get a little ...
2018 Holiday Gift Guide: For The Hostess
I am in disbelief that the holiday's are already upon us. It's the most wonderful time of the year but I'm somehow not nearly as prepared as I thought I'd be at this point. Which is why I'm sharing hostess gift ideas that are all available via Amazon Prime. Such a lifesaver. And all God's ...
Alba Grace at 5 Months Old
You'll probably hear me say this over and over again (or at least I hope that'll be the case!) but 5 months has been my favorite age yet! I feel like we're past many of the stressors (sleep training, switching to formula, finding a childcare setup that worked for us) that make ...