What’s on my radar this week?
We’re in the middle of the cleanup all the Halloween / get the Christmas boxes down chaos and I love it. This month I’m leaning into the browns / late fall finds and also grabbing lots of things from Amazon to get our house put together in time for baby girl’s arrival! Madness but lots of good finds to share so be sure you’re following along on LTK!
The nesting spirit has me selling all of our living room furniture in favor of a more “baby-friendly” living room layout and these lamps are going to be so perfect flanking the sofa! Picture really fun lampshades! 🙂
Adore this sweater and would love it in every color!
This inexpensive quilted tote would make a great gift too.
Eyeing this pullover for cozy postpartum days. Comes in a ton of colors but the brown is my fave!
Love this print for Thanksgiving! Sadly only comes in one size.
This stocking though! I don’t think I could squeeze another stocking into our christmas tupperware buuuuut if you’re in need, these come in a few patterns!
A pretty brass starburst mirror to elevate any room!
The perfect napkins for your thanksgiving table! There’s still time to have them embroidered too.
Pearce and I have no shows on the docket at the moment which has us searching hard for a new nighttime series. We’re almost done with Gaslit on Amazon and it’s been an interesting take on the Watergate scandal but nothing spectacular. Love turning on a show after my injection at night so if you have a good one, send it my way! I’ve already watched The Holiday and about 5 of the new release Hallmark Christmas Movies on Netflix! Leaning hard into the cheesy ones this year!
Still listening to When Doing it All Is Undoing You on Audible (Alyssa Bethke’s newest book!) and just ordered a new devotional! As soon as I’m done with Alyssa’s book I’m jumping into Good Energy by Casey Means MD!
This Chilli (can throw it in the crockpot and top with avocado!) is a favorite every year. Also… this pregnant lady has been *loving* these Aldi pretzel bites! For lunches we just started Factor and so far every meal has lived up to the hype! Mostly ordered for my husband’s lunches but I’ve been stealing a few here and there.
Last month we had a special day for Baby C and it honestly just felt like we were celebrating surviving the year. Loss is so hard and so heartbreaking and just drained us in so many ways but now we’re celebrating being in the 3rd trimester with Sister Margaret (love that her nickname sounds like a tiny nun) and getting so stinking excited about her joining us so soon! Quite the juxtaposition. Halloween has come and gone and I’m celebrating giving it my best despite being SO STINKING TIRED! Any other mamas?! And we’re celebrating one year in our new home too! Q4 has been action-packed already! Bring on November fun and allllll the baby prep!