2019 was marked by sickness and hard stuff. But it was also the most amazing year because we got to experience all 365 days of it with Alba Grace. She is such a joy! This year was hard on me, hard on our marriage, just all-around tough. It is so God that at the end of a difficult year we would find out the most amazing news! Our family is growing again! While we have SO many question marks about what 2020 will hold, we can already tell it’s going to be pretty sweet! I don’t necessarily think it’ll be easier (and all of the mama’s to two said NOPE!!!!) but sweet nonetheless. I’m expectant and hopeful for 2020 to be full of good things and growth. I’ve been sick as a dog all month long and can count on one hand the number of times I’ve put makeup on and left the house in the past 30 days. It’s been rough y’all. So it seems kind of funny that I’m hopeful 2020 will be different than 2019 but I just know God is doing some WORK in us and for us right now.

So onto baby things….
Baby is the size of a strawberry! He/she should double in length over the next couple of weeks. The development process blows my mind!
How did we find out? I had a feeling I was pregnant and took a test pretty early, only to see a negative result. I waited a couple of weeks, noticing pregnancy symptoms. Then I took a positive pregnancy test before Church one Sunday and showed it to Pearce. We were both shocked and so excited! We shared the news with our families over Thanksgiving with a Christmas ornament!
Babies will be 25 months apart. This is what we were hoping for. Builtin best friend, right?!
I haven’t bought anything for the new baby yet. We still have AG’s baby gear so even though it’s primarily pink, we’ll be able to use it with baby #2! I will need to splurge on a double stroller so send me your recs! 🙂
I am still in the thick of my first trimester. Still very very sick (in case I didn’t share that already haha) and desperate for some relief. I was not this sick with Alba Grace. With her pregnancy, I had a bit of relief throughout the day but the sickness lasted until about 25 weeks. I’ve tried all the remedies and so far the most relief comes from Zofran and this bracelet!
We are going to find out the gender! We’ll know in February. I cannot wait to call baby by name!
What’s currently getting me through really tough days?! Thoughts of holding my summer babies on the beach wearing this caftan (I cannot afford this caftan) and playing in the sand. I am seriously lacking Vitamin D right now! Not relevant but I’m also really excited that I will have delivered the baby before oyster season starts! I’m craving oysters like nobody’s business! And of course the newborn snuggles, looking forward to those sweet days so much!
Thank y’all so much for celebrating with us and following along on our family’s adventures! Grateful for you all and hope to chat more in 2020! 🙂