Last Tuesday we welcomed our second baby girl, Amelia “Millie” Paige to the family. Her arrival was fast, beautiful, scary at times but absolutely perfect. We’ve been soaking up all of those sweet newborn snuggles all week long and taking things slow as we get to know our newest baby girl. Now that we have a big two year old, we realize just hooooow fast time flies! These sweet days and exhausting nights spent feeding, changing newborn diapers and cuddling on the couch won’t last forever. It’s amazing how much Millie girl has already grown and changed since we brought her home last week. Savoring every moment. We love her so much already. Truly in awe of this little person God created!
Now for story time. I had been having off and on contractions for a week or so but after dinner last Monday evening (July 27) the contractions grew much stronger and much closer together. I thought my water may have broken somewhere in the midst of these contractions but wasn’t totally sure. Since we were starting to see a pattern with the contractions and they were becoming painful, I started to worry that if we didn’t go ahead and drive to the hospital for a labor check, then the 40-minute drive to the hospital would be miserable! Pearce didn’t think it was “go time”, but texted his parents anyways to come over and watch AG (who was fast asleep in her big girl bed…. for the second time ever) so we could head to the hospital. We quickly double checked we had everything packed in the hospital bag, I changed into something comfy, and we hit the road! It was the second or third night we had slept in the new house so part of me was hoping we’d have a few more days to wrap up projects and part of me was hoping it was in fact go-time so that we could meet our little lady.
On the car ride over to the hospital, the contractions were about five minutes apart and lasting for what felt like an eternity but was really only a minute. Halfway there the contraction timer app alerted us to head to the hospital and that’s when I knew it was the real deal. We weren’t coming home without our Millie girl! I was induced with Alba Grace so all of this truly felt like a scene out of a movie! I loved that drive with Pearce even though it was a bit wild!
Once we arrived at the hospital Pearce dropped me off at the front door and someone wheeled me up to labor and delivery. This is where things get interesting. Due to COVID there were lots of hospital policy changes throughout my pregnancy. Pearce wasn’t able to come to any of my appointments (not even the anatomy scan!) and we knew we wouldn’t be able to have visitors after the baby was born. We also knew that once we entered the hospital Pearce wouldn’t be allowed to return if he left the room. We understood the policies and were prepared for those but I was told my entire pregnancy that my husband would be allowed to stay with me at the hospital. What they failed to tell me was that he could only come back once I had gone through triage and been assigned a room. So after leaving Pearce in the parking lot I didn’t get to see him again until we were in the hospital room waiting on my epidural. I was angry, terrified and frustrated that I was alone throughout what felt like was the hardest part of labor.
When I arrived at triage a nurse checked me and then called in a doctor to let her know that she thought I was fully dilated and that the baby was coming SOON. Wait. What?! This was definitely not how I’d pictured things happening! I asked over and over again when my husband could join me but didn’t get an answer. Another nurse came in and when I told her I wanted an epidural she said I might be too close to delivery to get an epidural. So at this point, I am FREAKING OUT and praying for Pearce to walk through the door. One of the nurses told me to Facetime him so she could explain what was going on. So in the middle of labor when I thought I was going to birth a baby sans epidural at any minute, I facetime Pearce so he can chat with the nurse. It was so surreal seeing his face through a screen when I wanted him there holding my hand.
Because the nurses weren’t sure if my water had actually broken they sent off a test to the lab. Around that time they did another check and it turns out I wasn’t fully dilated like they thought! Praise the Lord. The test results came back from the lab and it turns out my water had broken so according to hospital policy I was in active labor and could finally be admitted to a room. The nurse brought in a wheelchair, asked me to put my mask back on (thankfully I only had to wear it in the hallway!) and wheeled me to my room.
Once I was reunited with Pearce and settling into our room, I requested my epidural asap. The anesthesiologist was great!!! He was so kind and put me right at ease. The epidural kicked in and we both slept for a bit before things picked back up the next morning. All of my nurses in labor and delivery were wonderful! Answered prayer. And my favorite midwife was on call! Another answered prayer. Once we got through the triage experience things were so much better and we felt much more peace leading up to delivery.
The contractions did their thing moving baby along and around 8am on Tuesday morning the nurse came in to walk me through a few practice pushes. I pushed for what felt like a few minutes and then my Millie girl was HERE! They put her right on my chest and I held her close for over an hour. What a joy! I was pleasantly surprised they didn’t take her away from me to clean her up or run any tests right away. I had really wanted to do immediate skin to skin with Alba Grace but they ended up having to take her away to clear out her mouth and nose.

I’ll never forget those first few hours with our Amelia Paige! She was so tiny and so perfect. We studied her little face and hands. We listened to her sweet sounds and drooled over how beautiful she was. Absolute bliss.

The nurse came in to let me know I could eat now so we ordered hospital breakfast (pancakes and bacon!) and then door dashed outback steaks for lunch! So wonderful after hours of not eating and being so physically exhausted. You never forget your first meal after birth!

We spent that night in the hospital before being discharged Wednesday afternoon. We couldn’t wait to get home to our big girl and get a good night’s sleep (ha!) in our own bed. It was a bit strange not having our families in the waiting room ready to meet her, but we tried to stay positive and get as much rest as we could before heading home. We facetimed everyone to “introduce” them to Millie and took a ton of photos to send out to loved ones itching to meet her.

I can’t believe she’s already been here a week. We’re glad she arrived before her due date so that we could get extra special time with her before Pearce goes back to work! God’s timing is PERFECT timing. Beyond thankful to have two healthy, perfect baby girls to love and raise.
Thank y’all for the love, well wishes, and check-ins this week! I’m so grateful for this community!