Childhood FLIES so making memories and creating traditions together is always on my mind! I want my girls to look back on these days and remember making breakfast with daddy on Saturday morning, Friday “fun days” with mama and the tiny celebrations we make special just because we can!
Pearce and I have never been Valentine’s Day people. While we were dating we made a last-minute attempt to eat out (without reservations because… college kids!) on heart day and after the chaos of that evening, we’ve opted for takeout and dinner at home these past 7 years! But watching Alba Grace get excited about even the tiniest of celebrations has me itching to create special Valentine’s Day traditions we can look forward to year after year!
What Valentine’s Day traditions do you have in your house?
This year I’m planning a special Valentine’s Day brunch with fancy outfits (or PJ’s… we’ll see what happens!) and heart-shaped waffles, gifting the girl’s something sweet (I’m thinking matching robes! because a baby in a robe is just the CUTEST!), and working with Alba Grace to craft our very own brunch decor! We’ve already gotten started with doily hearts and pompom balls! 🙂 Valentine’s Day falls on a Sunday this year so I think it’ll be extra special having the whole crew home!

I’m excited to get AG involved in gifting Valentine’s to her friends at school! We’re using the paper co berry valentine’s and pairing them with once upon a farm fruit pouches!
I’m also really excited to add new Valentine’s Day books to our little library (will have to share more details on how we organize our library soon because we’ve got a pretty good system going now!) Researching Valentine’s Day books now but I’ll report back with my findings! 🙂 Send me your favorites, please!
And of course, thrilled to have another opportunity to teach my girls about what love looks like in the bible and how we can live out the great commandment!

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