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This morning we woke Millie girl up singing happy birthday, which makes her smile so big! She loves the attention and we sure don’t mind giving it to her! Alba Grace grabbed her immediately and said “Good job, Millie! You did it!” which made me giggle. I also thought to myself, “Good job, mama! you did it!” 😉
One year! It’s been one year since our family grew to 4. One year since we met our second baby girl and fell in love with her. My heart somehow doubled in size when we met our Amelia Paige! Now it’s hard to imagine life without her!
We’ve spent a year adjusting to being a family of four. AG and Millie spent a year becoming best friends…. although their friendship started off a little rocky! 😉 We’ve spent a year growing in love, grace, and patience. Sitting on that last word for a minute because adding a second baby to our family relatively quickly was the ultimate test of patience! Our rhythms and routines (that we relied so heavily on) went to the wayside while we adjusted and adapted to all that Millie girl needed.

Millie is a cuddler. My snuggly little thing. She’s a mama’s girl, more so than her big sis. She thinks AG hung the moon. No one can make Millie laugh like Alba Grace! Those two laughing together is my favorite thing ON EARTH.

I’m not sure if we’ll have another. Friends ask but I don’t know how to answer. Pearce and I may be done having babies. Our hearts are full and honestly a third sounds like a challenge, but I’ve always said I wanted five (hahahaha) so who knows if a third baby will come along one day. Well, I guess God knows. But if our family stops growing with Millie, she’s the perfect “ending!”
We love you SO MUCH Millie girl! You are an absolute treasure. A blessing we couldn’t have dreamed up on our own. A gift straight from God.
Thank you, Lord for a year with Millie bug!