Y’all! I am so grateful to share that I’m halfway there. We’re so excited to meet little sister this summer and are counting down the days until she’s here with us. Much like my last pregnancy, we moved while I pregnant. Which is something I do not recommend!!!! I think the move, combined with having a toddler running around this house has definitely made this pregnancy tougher than my last. I didn’t think it was possible after so many rough weeks while pregnant with AG but I’ve been even sicker this go around. Thankfully this week I’ve had a few good days and I’m hopeful that the days of intense morning sickness are behind me! I have so much respect for the mamas fighting HG and full-term morning sickness.
Looking back at my first trimester recap with Alba Grace, there are some similarities but overall I feel so different this pregnancy. Because I’ve been through it all once before, I’m less fearful about what’s to come and overall much more calm. I’m taking things day by day and preparing for new baby little by little.
So let’s jump to a few of the popular questions and things that will be fun to look back on one day!
Weight gain? Just like my first pregnancy, I had a hard time gaining weight in the beginning because of morning sickness. I’m not sure what my current weight is but I’ve definitely put on a few lbs since my last obgyn visit.
Gender? Alba Grace is getting a sistahhh!
Name? Sister has a name! Will share soon!
Maternity clothes? I stopped wearing my regular jeans almost as soon as I found out I was pregnant. Everything I put on felt SO uncomfortable! I switched over to maternity jeans and leggings (the same ones I wore while pregnant with AG) but even those pieces felt too tight so I’ve tried my hardest to stick to dresses when I’m not in my PJ’s haha! I did pick up a new pair of white maternity jeans and a casual pair of leggings that aren’t nearly as tight around the bump. Our local Motherhood Maternity was closing shop so I snagged both on major sale! I’ll share a few other maternity things I’ve recently purchased below.
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Stretch marks? No sign of these and I’ve honestly not applied my stretch mark cream once. Should definitely get on that as a preventative!
Sleep? I’ve slept great so far! Thank you to Unisom every single night!
Looking forward to? Having two girls!!!!! So looking forward to AG meeting her baby sister for the first time.
What I miss? Life without nausea! 🙂
Movement? Feeling her move all the time! Definitely the sweetest part of pregnancy.
Anything make you queasy or sick? Just about everything.
Anything helping with said nausea? I’ll link my current essentials below. Loving my prenatal gummies. With so much sickness I couldn’t handle a liquid prenatal this go-around so the gummy option has been great. Love that there’s no iron (extra iron is not my friend during pregnancy)! I couldn’t have survived my intense morning sickness without this emeterm bracelet and peppermint oil! Also, zofran. If you need prescription nausea medicine to make it through your day, stay hydrated and gain weight – please ask your doctor!!!!!
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Even though it’s been tough, I’m so grateful to be pregnant again. It’s the sweetest blessing there is. Praying for a healthy second and third trimester, a healthy baby girl and a smooth transition as we become a family of four! So many amazing adventures ahead.
Love y’all! McKenzie