wearing this gianni bini dress – just marked down!
Alba Grace,
You’ll be here any day now. Soon we get to hold you in our arms, see what (and who!) you look like, and kiss your little face for the very first time. The reality of how precious that moment will be hasn’t quite hit me yet. I can’t wait to experience bringing you into this world. It will change our lives forever. In the best way possible. My hope and prayer is that your daddy and I know how to love you well. I pray that we’ll learn your love language early on and be able to show you how precious you are, every single day of your life. Forgive us if we don’t always do that well. We’re learning and growing alongside you.
Soon you’ll be surrounded by the most amazing people. They can’t wait to meet you. You’ll see lots of new faces and recognize a lot of voices. Those are voices of friends and family that have celebrated your life with us over the past nine months. That’s my voice. That’s daddy’s voice. There are so many people who love you and care for you deeply. Even now, before we’ve officially met. Watching your daddy take on his new role has been so much fun. He’s so good at loving us. I cry thinking about how lucky we are to have him. You will love him like crazy. I can’t wait to see you two together. I can’t wait to watch your relationship flourish.
I wonder if the past nine months in my tummy are any indication as to what your personality will be like. If so, there’s a good chance that you’ll be a wild one. A busy bee. Always moving. I adore feeling you move and grow. It’s the most incredible privilege. Though difficult at times, getting to carry you has been the most wonderful, beautiful, and awe inspiring responsibility I’ve ever had. I’ll never forget the doctors visit where I learned that those tiny movements I had been feeling were in fact your little kicks. How incredible. Or when your daddy felt them too.
I can’t wait to watch you learn about Jesus and everything He did for you. I can’t wait for you to experience that love. There’s nothing like it. There are so many “can’t waits” but I want you to know that every second we spend with you will be a blessing to us, whether a big milestone or a small moment. You are so wanted. You are so welcome. I’m thrilled to share our home with you, share our lives with you, and share our adventures with you.
We’re ready for you, baby girl. See you soon.