My biggest baby turned two on June 5th but we held out until July for her big celebration because of the virus. We’re so grateful we had a chance to celebrate Alba Grace before little sister arrived! The party was small (just a few friends & our families!) but Alba Grace had a blast running around, eating sugar and opening gifts with her favorite people!
The name of the game was simple. I ordered most of the party decor on Amazon (+ grabbed a few things from my beloved target dollar spot!) and held off on anything personalized in case we had to cancel entirely at the last minute due to the virus. I even sent out text message invitations instead of having paper invites printed which felt soooo wrong haha! Thankfully 4th of July parties are easy peasy to shop for, especially at the last minute!
We served watermelon & blueberry “wands”, publix chicken, pirates booty, cheese (that I spent two hours cutting into tiny stars….) and festive cupcakes for dessert! I ordered these star cupcake toppers to jazz up the food and cupcakes a bit. Loved the added sparkle! My splurge was on the glass coke bottles which we later realized were a terrible idea for an outdoor toddler party! They sure were cute though. 😉
We had been practicing singing Happy Birthday so when it was time to blow out her candle and sing, AG was ready! It’s crazy how much she’s grown since last year’s celebration when she couldn’t even walk yet! Now she’s singing the alphabet, running around and climbing on everything, and speaking in complete sentences. Amazing! Also, time SLOW DOWN.
We love this little firecracker so much! So grateful she’s ours and can’t wait to see all that this year holds for her!
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love y’all! mckenzie