I’m about a week late writing this (#momlife) but AG is two months old! You’ve heard it before, but it’s true what they say. Time FLIES. I feel like we were just coming home from the hospital, now we’ve settled into life as a family of three. I started back to work earlier this month (three days a week) and P starts back Monday. I’ll forever be grateful for the time we got to spend with AG the summer of 2018. It’s been wonderful. We’re obsessed with this sweet baby girl! OBSESSED.
one month stats
My baby is almost 11 lbs! She’s nearly doubled her birth weight. She’s gotten so much longer (haven’t measured but you can tell!) and she’s getting chunkier. I’ve caught myself staring in awe of how big she’s gotten! AG is rolling over to one side, pushing her head up from her chest, smiling, sitting up in her bumbo, and making the sweetest “cooo” sounds! Mind blown by how much she’s learned in 9 weeks!
her current schedule
She’s sleeping through the night! Praise the Lord! Occasionally she’ll get up around 4am but for the most part our girl is sleeping from 8pm until 6 or so in the morning. During the day our routine changes so much, so we aren’t as consistent with a daytime schedule. It’s amazing to see how well she’s responded to our nighttime routine though! Babies love consistency. Bath time is still my favorite part of the day!
back to work
Transitioning back to work was a lot easier than I’d expected it to be! Yes, I cried the first few mornings I left her (even though she was at home with her dad…) but it’s been so good for me! Since the day I started back to work I’ve felt like myself again emotionally. It’s been life giving to get back into a routine and realize we could handle this. As I mentioned earlier in the post, Pearce is going back to work on Monday so AG will be hanging out with my mom and his mom while I work Monday-Wednesday. Knowing she’ll be with family definitely helps make things easier!
her favorite things
“Excercise time” with daddy, sitting on the back porch, being out and about, morning snuggles in mommy & daddy’s bed, and bath time!
hardest moment
Leaving AG in the Church nursery was probably the hardest! But I’m so glad we did it. The nursery volunteers at our church are amazing!
sweetest moment
Hearing AG make her first little sound that wasn’t a cry! Her little “cooohs” absolutely melt my heart!
my recovery
I can finally say I’m completely recovered! For those wondering, it took about 5 weeks for me to feel 100% healed. We went to the doctor for my 6 week check up and all is well! I started an adapted version of #BBG three times a week to get in better shape. Still have about 10 pounds to go to get back to my pre-baby weight but like I said last month, I’m not stressing about losing the weight until I’m done breastfeeding.
Since going back to work I’ve been almost exclusively pumping and AG has done really well with that! We introduced the bottle when I was still nursing, so AG was already used to it. I honestly love pumping and being able to prepare bottles in advance + track how much she’s eating. This works great for us! AG started getting lazy and sleepy while nursing, so knowing she has more than enough to eat via the bottle makes me happy! #fedisbest
*outfit is last season Bailey Boys!
love y’all, mckenzie