My baby is one month old! Crazytown. I didn’t realize how much she’s grown until this morning when I looked at pictures from the day she was born. It’s true what they say, babies don’t keep. This week we’re celebrating our healthy baby girl and the fact that we’ve officially survived one month of parenthood.
one month stats
She’s currently weighing in right under 9lbs. She was 6.12 when we left the hospital. We’re starting to see her personality come out in little ways. She makes the cutest faces! Even her pitiful lip quiver + cry face melts my heart. Everyone comments on how alert she is. She’s always been that way! I remember waking up in my hospital bed the night she was born and looking over to find her content as can be, just staring around the room.
her current schedule
We’re still working on this one! We’ve tried loosely following the Moms on Call schedule for her age, but she’s still not crazy about naps between 2pm and bedtime. She’s a pretty good nighttime sleeper though. We’re working toward sleeping through the night but I’m still pumping around 3 or 4 am so we don’t mind getting up with her if she’s awake. I’m heading back to work next week so we’ll start adjusting her schedule to my work schedule. Her bedtime routine is one of my favorite times of the day (even though I’m usually pretty pooped by bedtime)! We give her a bath (still in the kitchen sink), put on her PJ’s, feed her in her bedroom, read to her from her bible, and then dad rocks her to sleep. We started this week one and I think she’s responded really well to the consistency!
her favorite things
In addition to eating and sleeping, her favorite thing in the world is when daddy bounces her and makes her dance. She’s also starting to like her baths (before we dry her off – she hates that part) and discovering new things to look at.
hardest moment
The first night home from the hospital AG wouldn’t sleep unless one of us was holding her on our chest. It was… tough. The exhaustion finally hit us and we called in our moms for backup around 5am! Haha. We discovered that she was actually really cold so we started doubling up on swaddle blankets and now she’s sleeping muuuch better!
sweetest moment
SO many of these. Lately I’ve loved wearing her in my solly baby wrap cuddled up close to me. Can’t get enough of those snuggles!
my recovery
My recovery has been a lot harder than I thought it’d be. I was still in a lot of pain until last week when I finally started to feel some relief! This week I’d say I’m 80% of the way to being completely healed. I still have around 15 pounds to lose but I’ve been really impressed with how quickly most of the weight has come off! Once I stop breastfeeding I’ll probably start some sort of diet, but for now I’m not rushing anything. I do plan to start working out when the doctor gives me the go-ahead!
Breastfeeding hasn’t been as difficult as I thought it would be. It is however, really exhausting. Keeping up with pumping, nursing, building up a stash for when I go back to work, eating the right food to make sure I produce enough, and finding a place to feed her when we’re on the go is tiring but I plan to keep it up until I can’t anymore. I do enjoy the bonding time with her and I know how beneficial it is for her!
love y’all, mckenzie