*love those ninja hands!
Three months. Shut the front door. Pearce and I are both back to our full time work schedules and trying to navigate some major changes that have come our way. AG is growing like a weed and learning something new every day! This is the sweetest time. My babydoll is so expressive these days and actually responds when we interact with her which kills us. She’s got us wrapped around those tiny fingers!
3 month stats
At our last checkup AG was about 11lbs and 24 inches long. She is a veeeery long little thing, didn’t get that from her mama! We didn’t have a checkup this month but I’m thinking she’s around 12/13lbs and 25 inches long. We’ll see if my guesses were correct when we go to our four month appointment in October!
her current schedule
Alba Grace is still sleeping through the night (praise!!!!) and takes a 3ish hour nap for me after her morning bottle (typically around 7am) BUT when she goes to my mom’s (YaYa) and Pearce’s mom’s (Geesh) I’ve been told that she’s not taking that long of a morning nap. I think she’s just excited being somewhere new! Other than our bedtime routine and the am nap when she’s with me – we’re not on much of a schedule. I’d like to work on an afternoon nap though! I get a lot of questions about how we got her sleeping through the night, so I’ll be sharing a more detailed post with what worked for us.
back to work
I’m still loving being a working mama. While it’s so hard to leave the little lady, it makes me miss her and then I’m that much more excited for the moment we’re reunited!
her favorite things
Still obsessed with being outside. Those warm temps are her favorite. I’m not looking forward to fall/winter for this reason only! She’s also been loving her play mat with toys she can kick, her black and white book, and evening walks around the neighborhood. The evening walks are awesome for all of us because she gets so fussy right before bedtime if we stay inside! And we get some steps in!
hardest moment
It’s still hard to leave her in the church nursery but I think it’s so good to start getting used to it now. Another big challenge this month was when Alba Grace fell through her electric swing one day. While she’s 100% fine and recovered quickly, that was the scariest moment of parenting so far. It was a bit of a freak accident but it’s likely attributed to user error, not the swing itself. I’m so thankful she’s okay. I share this story to remind new mamas that things will happen. It was such a learning experience for me. We will make mistakes as parents, no matter how hard we try not to. Trusting that your little one is in God’s hands is the only way I believe we’ll have any real peace throughout this parenting journey.
sweetest moment
Every smile. Her smiles are rocking my world!
I’m exclusively pumping and it’s worked well for us. However this week I’ve had a sinus infection and my supply has dropped significantly! I’m praying I can kick this infection quickly and we can continue giving AG BM exclusively. I’ll definitely fill y’all in if there’s anything that helps increase my supply! I’ve been doing lots of research on the subject.
love y’all, mckenzie