Darling Dress is Proper Peony from the SWEETEST children’s boutique, Little Lane Shop! (c/o)
Y’all will have to excuse me… with the big 11 month milestone and a first birthday in less than a month + my first mother’s day this weekend, I’m all sorts of emotional! Over the past month we’ve really seen her personality develop! I can see why everyone says that one is their favorite age! Babies are learning new things constantly, exploring as much as they’re allowed, and so curious about everything! Alba Grace is sweet sweet sweet and pretty easy going most of the time! She’s honestly a pretty “easy” baby and I’m praying all Fussell babies will be just as chill! 😉 We’ll see how that goes, haha!

Got her ears pierced again! She lost an earring back the first time around and they closed up just about overnight! So we went with AG’s bestie, Lemon to get both of their ears pierced! How did it go?! Let’s just say that I highly recommend you go between 4-6 months! Wiggly toddlers don’t take it nearly as well!
Stood up unassisted. I didn’t catch it in time but Pearce has been able to see her standing unassisted twice! She’ll be walking before we know it!
Switched over to toddler formula + real foods instead of infant formula. Girlfriend will eat anything! I’m SO into the Bringing up Bebe feeding philosophy so I’m praying that she continues to love new foods as she gets older! In case you’re curious about what we feed her… she can eat softer food that we’re eating but we also love the Earth’s Best Organics Formula (also make a toddler formula!), Happy Baby Organics, and Once Upon a Farm!
Started talking a ton. She’s was on a “happy baby” kick for a couple of weeks which was just about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! Now we’re hearing lots of “dada”, “yahhh”, baby babbles, “ag” and the occasional “alba grace.” We did hear “mama” as well but that only happened once!
Pulled her first all-nighter. She’s been sleeping like a champ since she was a couple of weeks old but we took a trip to Tallahassee for my sister’s graduation last week and she went a little wild! She usually does great when we travel but I think the combo of being in a new place and teething may have pushed her over the edge.
Met the Easter Bunny. Homegirl was totally unamused. I was honestly hoping for a hilarious screaming baby pic for the fridge!

Still obsessed with Baby Shark… but who isn’t!?
Actually loves when I bust out my big camera to take a photo of her!
Still loves to see her outfit in the mirror each morning!
Adventuring with mama. My work schedule shifted a bit so we’re spending a lot more time doing fun things together. She really seems to love getting out and about with me! The park, the pool, and Target are her faves! Girl after my own heart!
Eating with dad. She loves when Pearce feeds her in the evenings. She makes the most hilarious “ooooooh” noises and little grunts of satisfaction!

Baby Things We’re Loving
We’ve been out and about using our stroller a lot more these days and I’ve realized just how much I love it! It’s such a great price point too! I think the entire system (including the Pipa car seat and base!) was under $800! I’ll have to share a video of all the features one day.
Our Yeah Baby Goods mat that fits in the Ikea highchair we purchased! So easy to rinse off and keep clean! Plus it’s the prettiest color!
I dress her up just about every day and have a blast doing it. They’re only little once! I shop a lot of her clothes from these shops and I’ve also been doing a lot of shopping Ebay & local antique stores for vintage baby dresses!
*Later this month I’m going to share ALL of our favorite products from her first year! There are so many things to navigate and select as a new mama so I thought I’d put together a list of what worked well for us!

Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go work on her baby book that I’ve been neglecting! 😉 Cannot believe the next monthly update post I write will be for a one year old. Such a joy!

love y’all, mckenzie