^^ Your girl. Rockin’ the florals since 1994.
In honor of my birthday I figured I’d share a few bit of wisdom I’ve picked up over the years. All learned through trial & error (the best teacher) and the amazing people who have influenced my life in the best way.
- The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing. What’s the main thing? For me it’s my relationship with the Lord and my little family. Everything else comes in second. Makes for easy prioritizing!
- You do you. You’re pretty awesome. Stay unique. Set trends. Don’t let comparison into your heart. See also: haters gonna hate.
- Slow down. Sure, you can do everything, but you cannot do everything at once and do anything well. Focus on what matters, give what you’re doing your all and in time you’ll get to the other stuff. I love the saying “do what you can where you are with what you have.”
- Stay sweet. You catch waaaaay more flies with honey. Boy, am I a believer in this one! Throw kindness around like it doesn’t cost a thing and you might actually change the world while doing so. Or at least make someone’s day! Same thing. 😉
- Our God is who He says He is. Our limitations mean nothing to God who has no limitations. Let this truth be your strength.
- Community > competition. Since I started my blog (and my little print shop years ago) there’s been a huge shift in the creative circle – women started advocating community, the sharing of resources, and fully supporting each other’s endeavors. Y’all don’t get me wrong – I love a little friendly competition but in the dog-eat-dog world of business, it’s amazing to see such a positive shift in how things are done. Get it, girls. There’s plenty to go around.
- Keep things simple. When it comes to design, relationships, calendars, and just about every facet of my life I’ve learned that less really is more. There is beauty in simplicity and an abundance of joy to be found in a life that isn’t overcomplicated.
- Homeownership rocks. Why did I think this was going to be scary!? Owning a home is not as difficult as I once thought it would be. It’s actually FUN and majorly rewarding. In fact, most adult responsibilities aren’t as scary as I though they’d be. Praise hands.
- Bust out into dance/song. I’m no scientist but I’m gonna go out on a limb and say it’s impossible to feel sad while dancing and singing. I’ll let you in on a little secret, regardless of how crazy my morning is I force myself to partake in a solo dance party en route to work everyday. Last week’s choice of song was The Climb by Miley Cyrus. This also serves as my cardio.
- Be thankful. Expressing gratitude is life-giving. Let your people know you’re thankful and let God know you’re thankful.
- Love big. Reflect on the extravagant love the Father has lavished on us and go out and show the world what it’s all about.
- You’re allowed to move on. It’s okay to change your mind. College majors, who you let do your hair, career paths, where you live..
- Comparison sucks. Say no to things that suck. Enough said.
- Outsourcing is where it’s at. Robot vacuums, also where it’s at.
- Put the phone down. Be with who you’re with. Jim Elliot said, “wherever you are, be all there.” While it can be a hard thing to do (looking at you, Instagram!) it’s crucial for healthy relationships. Have you ever tried a #SocialMediaFreeWeekend – no? Me neither. But it’s on my list! ha.
- Get your beauty sleep. Early bedtimes are underrated. 8 am classes are overrated.
- See the world. Travel whenever possible. It’s worth every penny.
- College is fun. Post-grad life is just as fun.
- Marriage rocks. Who you marry is the most important decision you’ll make. Marry your best friend and you can’t go wrong. Shoutout to my hubby who makes everyday a wonderful adventure.
- Do things that scare you. Often. There’s a lot of fun to be had outside of your comfort zone.
- Be silly. Don’t take life too seriously. “There’s power in looking silly and not caring what you do.” – Amy Poehler
- Forgive freely. Let the past be the past. Forgive fast. LET IT GOOOOO, LET IT GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
- Life is short. Be overdressed, eat the french fries, call your mom.
xx, mckenzie