If y’all have been following along on Instagram you’ve probably seen me mention my new weight loss program, Faster Way To Fat Loss. I’ve gotten a ton of questions about what exactly it is and how I learned about it, so I thought I’d share the details with y’all! I’m one week into the program (well, two weeks if you count prep week!) and can already tell it’s working!
I gained about 40 pounds (give or take!) while pregnant with Alba Grace and still have about ten pounds to go in order to get back to my pre-baby goal weight. While I was nursing the weight started to fall off and then as soon as I stopped nursing it was much harder to lose! I knew I needed to make a change but I wasn’t exactly sure what steps I needed to take. Around thanksgiving I started noticing a ton of bloggers and influencers talking about FWTFL and I was intrigued. A couple of weeks later my new friend, Quincy reached out and invited me to join her next round of FWTFL. I was a bit hesitant at first (the fasting aspect scared me a bit!) so Quincy and I grabbed lunch to chat about my concerns and goals. Quincy had gone through several rounds of FWTFL and she’s seen amazing results. After learning more about the program and finding out that Quincy was also a new mama, I knew I had to get involved!
Of course you can learn more about the program on their website but I wanted to share a bit about FWTFL from my perspective.
FWTFL is a weight loss program designed to help you count your macros (eat the right amounts of the right foods) with targeted workouts for each day that are in line with what you’re eating! In addition to eating the right foods and staying active, you also practice intermittent fasting. Turns out, the fasting has been SO much easier than I thought it would be. I stop eating by 7pm and start eating the next day around 11am. Don’t worry friends, in the morning you’re still allowed to drink your beloved coffee or tea. The catch is that you can’t have more than 50 calories to remain in a fasted state. So you may have to switch up your creamer. I use this one! It’s only 15 calories per serving.
I’m choosing to focus most of my attention on the nutrition side of the program. Figuring out what to eat to lose weight has always been my biggest struggle so I want to become a macro counting pro. My husband, Pearce has been macro counting for over a year so this wasn’t a new idea to me. The way Quincy and the FWTFL program teaches it is so easy to understand, even if you’ve never tried it!
We use the My Fitness Pal app to input our food every day and then we post our macros to a private Facebook group. From there, Quincy makes sure we’re staying on track and makes suggestions for changes depending on how we’re feeling! We also share recipes, favorite snacks, tips & tricks, struggles, and goals with each other! The FB group is an awesome resource for accountability and inspiration.
I love that FWTFL isn’t about getting rid of anything (although for best results it’s recommended that you cut back on dairy, grains, and sugar!) but instead it’s about learning about what you’re eating and making sure you’re not overindulging. It’s a sustainable way of dieting that I can stick to long after the 7 week program ends. FWTFL is not another fad diet, it’s a lifestyle change with accountability, a coach to help you along the way and an amazing end result!
One week in and I’m feeling good y’all! I fit into my clothes better, I have more energy, and I’m more focused throughout the day. I was just telling my friend, Kelli about how I even had less anxiety! What you eat really does matter.
Having an amazing coach (seriously, she’s hilarious and so encouraging!) and a few friends doing the program with me has been such a big help! Our round has already started but you can jump on the FWTFL train for my coach’s next round starting on January 28 so sign up now and you can do this WITH me! What better time to start than January?! These spots will fill up fast so sign up soon if you’re ready to do this!
Click here to sign up! (this is an affiliate link but as always – all thoughts and opinions are completely my own!)
Can’t wait to share my results on the blog next month! Please let me know if you have any questions in the meantime!
Shop the workout gear I’m crushin’ on:
love y’all, mckenzie