Updating Our Living Room Drapes

by | Aug 21, 2019 | home | 0 comments

photography by glori beaufort photography

It’s the summer of completing home projects at the Fussell house! We started building our home before we found out I was pregnant with AG, moved in the week after Christmas while I was 6(ish?) months pregnant and then spent the next few months adjusting to life with a newborn. As you can imagine our home to-do list fell to the wayside. It’s been a nice change of pace to knock out some of the projects on said list! 🙂 Projects I’ve been looking to for years now! My most recent project was to tackle our living room drapes.

Here’s the link to my dress!

The drapes we’d originally hung in the space were the perfect placeholder and really were beautiful but I had always imagined something more formal. As a designer, I knew that the custom drapery route wasn’t in the budget…. or so I thought! A quick Etsy search led me to Avec Dieu Couture. Boasting a five-star rating and 602 Etsy reviews is no easy feat and speaks wonders for Amanda’s craftsmanship and professionalism! Amanda was an absolute gem to work with! I had originally envisioned John Robshaw Prasana drapes but after weeks and weeks of the beautiful fabric being back-ordered/out of stock, Amanda helped me select a fabric and tape that would be equally as beautiful! I can’t get over how pretty they turned out! I literally squealed like a little girl when they arrived in the mail! I can’t recommend Amanda enough! 🙂

Follow along with Avec Dieu on Facebook and be sure to follow her Etsy shop here too!

We ended up with bright white linen and a blue trellis tape! Swoon!

This is definitely my favorite space in the house now! I love curling up on the sofa and glancing over at our pretty new drapes. Eeeeek! 🙂

If you have any questions about the other items pictures, you can find them in this post!

love y’all! mckenzie

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I´m McKenzie Fussel

Delenit perfecto ne mel, facete utamur in mea, cum ceteros fuisset repudiandae eu. Delenit omittam philosophia per ea, eos te omnium discere. Nam adhuc percipit et. Viris comprehensam quo ea.